A Platonic Love Note

on Monday, November 9, 2009
Who knew I write poetry! But I do, it's a hobby and I'm pretty horrible but practice makes perfect I guess. Well is just one of those spur of the moment things, hope you enjoy. This one's for all my beloved chicas out there...u know who you are.

A Platonic Lovenote
by Greg Chan.

Hearsay lay rest on lips of mute minds
I proclaim my love to you.
Indulge with me, a sin of vices
As we walk the plank of damned joy.
Hold thy hand dear queen of heartache
My only defense: an ignorance of lust.
I beseech you not to take from me
This love, deeper than our skins
where bodies may never touch;
Yet of eachother, we know so much.