Things that irritate me: Ignorant people + the current economic state!

on Saturday, October 31, 2009
Guess its a two for one special right now cause this is about to be a dual topic post! Anyways, this came about today as I was at work(at an Automotive parts and repair store). For some reason it was "Ask-a-dumb-question-then-debate-the-fact-with-a-specialist day" cause for several hours all I got was a bunch of cocky idiots arguing technical knowledge with me. However, there were two guys who really stood out and almost made me realize how shitty the economy is right now.

Lets start with customer X who I didn't sell anything to but instead had 3 separate conversations with over the phone for at least 12 minutes at a time. He first called about a battery for a Jeep Grand Cherokee I believe. After explaining the cheapest battery I had was $90 which was a sale price down from $125., he kept asking me how to lower the price. I told him straight there's nothing I can do. He called again asking about alternative options, I told him we can try to charge it which would cost him $20. or he can try to jump it. Again it was too expensive for him, he wanted us to tow his car to our shop to do a $14 battery test(we do not provide tow services period). The third time he calls to ask me if the battery he had in another car could work. I explained to him the risks involved and recommended he not try that and he countered me with stories of his friend using a Civic battery in a Pick-up. Well I have no idea what he did but I gave up and hung up on him out of exhaustion.

A second customer came in looking for a battery for a 2007 Hyundai Accent. I told him we didn't have the battery model. He refused to take no for an answer. He argued with me, my store manager, my shop managers and other colleagues. I recommended a universal battery that would do the job but its beyond his budget. He settles with a tiny $60 battery and went to cash out. Now he's $5 short and starts arguing that we should advertise prices with taxes cause apparently he was fooled and amazed that our store charges taxes(seriously?) and in the end leave.

These two observations really taught me something: Idiots + this recession = the most arrogant and stubborn assholes on planet earth! I was seriously so pissed off with both these fellas, wasted my fucking time because they couldn't fantom paying a day's wages for fix their cars. WHY ARE YOU DRIVING MORONS?! Even more I realize how horrible this economy is right now, I have customers making life decisions everyday. To drive or to eat? This shit needs to stop!