Last night was an unplanned boys night out at Hooters for wings, beers, football and of course, Hooters girls! Ordered up the 10 piece wings dipped in 911 sauce and a side of curly fries to fill up the gut and all I have to say is Woah mamajamma!!!
I've been going to Hooters for years only indulging in their original mid-level spicy so I felt courageous last night and ordered in their mouth scorcher. It was a delightful change especially since I have ridiculous capacity for super hot food. On a scale from 1-10 the heat was about a 5 or 6 in my book (which translates to about 8-9 for most people). The only thing I hated was the strong tobasco/vinegar scent but I guess you can't have the world.
By then end the bill was about $70 between us which isn't too bad considering we were all stuffed to our throats! Goodtimes my friends, Goodtimes!
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