Lets start with customer X who I didn't sell anything to but instead had 3 separate conversations with over the phone for at least 12 minutes at a time. He first called about a battery for a Jeep Grand Cherokee I believe. After explaining the cheapest battery I had was $90 which was a sale price down from $125., he kept asking me how to lower the price. I told him straight there's nothing I can do. He called again asking about alternative options, I told him we can try to charge it which would cost him $20. or he can try to jump it. Again it was too expensive for him, he wanted us to tow his car to our shop to do a $14 battery test(we do not provide tow services period). The third time he calls to ask me if the battery he had in another car could work. I explained to him the risks involved and recommended he not try that and he countered me with stories of his friend using a Civic battery in a Pick-up. Well I have no idea what he did but I gave up and hung up on him out of exhaustion.
A second customer came in looking for a battery for a 2007 Hyundai Accent. I told him we didn't have the battery model. He refused to take no for an answer. He argued with me, my store manager, my shop managers and other colleagues. I recommended a universal battery that would do the job but its beyond his budget. He settles with a tiny $60 battery and went to cash out. Now he's $5 short and starts arguing that we should advertise prices with taxes cause apparently he was fooled and amazed that our store charges taxes(seriously?) and in the end leave.
These two observations really taught me something: Idiots + this recession = the most arrogant and stubborn assholes on planet earth! I was seriously so pissed off with both these fellas, wasted my fucking time because they couldn't fantom paying a day's wages for fix their cars. WHY ARE YOU DRIVING MORONS?! Even more I realize how horrible this economy is right now, I have customers making life decisions everyday. To drive or to eat? This shit needs to stop!

November is the definite man-month aka Mustache month! For thirty days you are encouraged to grow and groom that fly looking mustache in whatever style you're going for as long as it doesn't become a beard or goatee! IF you are joining in...check out Pepsi's Mo-mento maker facebook app for recording your mustache adventure!!!
p.s: IF you have a google account, follow me by simply clicking the little link at the top of the page :P
Duck Sauce "aNYway" (Surface To Air version) from A-Trak on Vimeo.
P. Bloom - San Francisco's People.
Shot with Canon 5D Mark II
San Francisco's People. Canon 5DmkII 24p from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
P. Bloom - Dublin's People
Shot with Canon 7d
Dublin's People: Canon 7d 24p from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
V. Laforet - Nocturne
Shot with 1D Mark IV
Laforet - Nocturne from Mecanismo JOXO' on Vimeo.
V. Laforet - Reverie
Shot with Canon 5D Mark II
Reverie from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.
Hope you enjoyed them....can't wait till I get my 7d...ofcourse you readers will be the first to preview :-)

Last night was an unplanned boys night out at Hooters for wings, beers, football and of course, Hooters girls! Ordered up the 10 piece wings dipped in 911 sauce and a side of curly fries to fill up the gut and all I have to say is Woah mamajamma!!!
I've been going to Hooters for years only indulging in their original mid-level spicy so I felt courageous last night and ordered in their mouth scorcher. It was a delightful change especially since I have ridiculous capacity for super hot food. On a scale from 1-10 the heat was about a 5 or 6 in my book (which translates to about 8-9 for most people). The only thing I hated was the strong tobasco/vinegar scent but I guess you can't have the world.
By then end the bill was about $70 between us which isn't too bad considering we were all stuffed to our throats! Goodtimes my friends, Goodtimes!

I'm a novice in Spanish but I recently started reading Pablo Neruda work as part of my language class and this guy blow my mind! His metaphors, analogies, rhyme and syllabic structures amazes me!
Poetry has not always been an art I gravitate to as much as literature but the way Neruda's poetry reads, I found myself fixated on his verses for hours(and even more time spent translating those hard-to-understand lines). I recommend you all go out and grab one of his volumes or googlebooks' pdf! Enough about that though...just wanna dedicate this to my secret bffl! :P
QUIERO que sepas
una cosa.
Tú sabes cómo es esto:
si miro
la luna de cristal,la rama roja
del lento otoño en mi ventana,
si toco
junto al fuego
la impalpable ceniza
o el arrugado cuerpo de la leña,
todo me lleva a ti,
como si todo lo que existe,
aromas, luz, metales,
fueran pequeños barcos que navegan
hacia las islas tuyas que me aguardan.
Ahora bien,
si poco a poco dejas de quererme
dejaré de quererte poco a poco.
Si de pronto
me olvidas
no me busques,
que ya te habré olvidado.
Si consideras largo y loco
el viento de banderas
que pasa por mi vida
y te decides
a dejarme a la orilla
del corazón en que tengo raíces,
que en ese día,
a esa hora
levantaré los brazos
y saldrán mis raíces
a buscar otra tierra.
si cada día,
cada hora
sientes que a mí estás destinada
con dulzura implacable.
Si cada día sube
una flor a tus labios a buscarme,
ay amor mío, ay mía,
en mí todo ese fuego se repite,
en mí nada se apaga ni se olvida,
mi amor se nutre de tu amor, amada,
y mientras vivas estará en tus brazos
sin salir de los míos.
Beer is the world oldest and most consumed alcoholic beverage. A delicious blend of hops, barley, malt etc, fermented for various times and best served cold, beer is a beautiful thing, and today I give you all a run down on my five favorites that won't break the bank.
Lets start with a brief lesson. Beers are broken down into two main groups: ales and lagers. Ales are top-fermented beer, lagers are bottom-fermented. Basically, their difference is based on the type of yeast used and the fermenting period. Ale are fermented high temperatures for a few weeks to a month and generally have a sweet, full bodied taste while lagers are fermented is much colder environment for months at a time with an end result of a crispier and sharper flavor.
Best of the Best:
1: Guinness

The magnificent Irish Stout! A lot of people may argue the taste of this beer but I find it to be delicious and extremely smooth. I recommend draught over its bottled counterpart for enhanced smoothness. To those trying it for the first time...remember the two minute waiting rule!
2: Brooklyn Lager

Brooklyn Brewery is New York's very own brewing gem. They produce some of the most impressive albeit hard to find beers. However, their reputation is increasingly growing and nowadays The Brooklyn Lager can be found almost everywhere around NYC. This Amber-colored beer pours and drinks smoothly, a good opener for a Friday night on the town!
3: Samuel Adams Boston Lager

By far one of the most popular All-American brews, the Boston Lager is a crisp, dark amber beer known for its sharp, distinct taste. Bonus points when you use it as the base of a black and tan!
4: Samuel Adams Summer Ale
A full and almost fruity flavor, Sam Adams takes the cake for well blended and perfectly aged beer. Most common during the warmer months (duhh) its sweet and mellow flavor will keep your taste buds occupied for hours at a time.
5: Heineken

Its impossible to choose a good Dutch brew. Heineken and Becks are both exceptional pale lagers but Heineken wins from the slight bump in bitterness. I love that bitter biting sensation that comes with every gulp. Becks is good for the ladies but guys, grow some balls and order up a Heine!
Other hard to finds:
Kirrin Japanese Lager: Only place I ever had this mild pale brew was in this awesome Yakaturi Restaurant down in St. Marks: Yakaturi Taisho.
Brooklyn Brewery Chocolate Stout
Mmm, don't you love that stout! Goodluck on finding this guy, you'll have to seek out those specialty pubs or visit the Brewery.
Carib Lager
The beer of the Caribbean, I grew up watching the folks enjoy this brew. I have no idea how or where to find this in New York.
Carib Shandy
Shandies are a blend of lager and special fruit juices. My favorite is sorrell and by the grace of God I found it the other day in my local supermarket.
Pilsner Urquell
The original Pilsner, smooth and delicious. This beer is pretty popular but definitely not common sight in your bodegas or supermarket.

Last night was a good night! After a long and stressful day which included work, homework, schoolwork, a 4 hr class and horrible weather I met up with Jeff who was having an equally tiring day. It was time to unwind and like the classy gentlemen we are we decided to hit up that dark seedy dive bar off 60th and Lex. WHAT A GOOD CALL!
I've only been there once before for a quick after work drink and didn't really take in the atmosphere. Guess second time's the charm. We grabbed a seat, ordered up a Guinness AND scotch on the rocks each to start(yes two drinks each person at the same time, don't ask why..) and let the goodtimes roll. Soon we met a couple other regulars and in no time conversations were in full swing!
Now for starters, Subway Inn is right on E60th and Lex, tucked in on the side of Bloomingdales. Unlike its neighbor, its everything but classy. For what I've been told, its been serving patrons since 1937 and that sounds just about right. Everything in there is vintage! There's no real theme per say, just a mash-up of furniture and decor that seem to span various eras. For example, a poster of Marilyn Monroe sits next to a Stewey Griffin doll, or plush red leather stools next to an old worn out counter top.
As awkward and random as it feels, I'm strangely attracted to the environment. There's no pretentiousness, no weak drinks, friendly bartenders and patrons and an awesome Jukebox. Oh and lets not forget the one good thing about dive bars: good prices. Now I know this doesn't cut the cake like Continental and Bar None and the likes, but with $5 Guinness and Straight drinks(not shots) you can't go wrong. We were drinking to good health and before you know it we were on our third round of Guinness and Scotch combo. Before leaving my friend bought a round of 151 and i swear the shot glass was HUGE.
Well once done I stumbled out and magically made my way home. A good night indeed!
TiRon "Throwing My Money" [Official Video] from The Cafeteria Line on Vimeo.
" (917): half the nation just spent an hour watching a balloon fly around. we are officially the dumbest fucking country."
I couldn't agree more! That guy is a pretty sad sap to want media attention so badly that he'll use his own kids to achieve reality tv stardom. What's worst is that we all sit there and ogle at his blatant and reckless abuse of power to stir up a media circus. Its really ridiculous and I hope something meaningful becomes of this, meaningful as in he gets arrested and charge with defrauding the police or abusing the law or something along those lines. SMH, what is this world coming to?
What a tool!
These days cardigans are as common as tees and they are often worn along with tees. And with this new found relaxation of the style comes an onslaught of urban chic. As of fall 09 I'm pretty confident every label, big or small, department or designer has released at least one cardigan in their collection. This is great being that no matter what your "taste" is, you can find something that fits both your look and checkbook.
Unfortunately this also means possible fashion fiascoes! Here's a brief guide to what I usually look for in a cardigan:
YES: Knits rock! Maybe I'm picky, but i love my knits! The best money can buy is Cashmere wool, then Merino wool and lambs wool. To a lesser extent there is cotton that tend to be much more durable especially for frequent use while maintaining a chic look. You can also get those thick cotton cardigans that can be worn as outwear.
NO: Jersey cotton sucks! Call me a hater if you must but the fabric, though strong often gives the garment a pale and overly vintage look. It can also be too rough or thick for some.
YES: Solid colors or two toned patterns! Can you tell I'm a believer in minimalism? I think the best cardigans are solid colors. It can automatically define you overall look if paired with the right garb. However, if you want to add a little flair, grab a two-toned checkered or stripped cardigan to go with with you outfit, just remember to keep the patterns small.
NO: Flamboyant designs and prints! Do I really need to explain this on? Just avoid those grandma knits or crazy patchwork and prints as seen on Ecko and sadly Tim Hamilton silk experiments.
YES: tailored cut, sits on the hips! That's just how it should be, end of story. More so cardigans can be stitched to be either high or deep "V"ed, either is great, though I prefer deep.
NO: Bathrobe looking thing of horror! It can probably be pulled off by extremely skinny dudes but for a guy like me, I'll pass.
Other things to consider
Shawl cardigan: I love shawl cardigan! They add that extra bit of class to the occassion.
Rugby and varsity cardigans: These usually come in heavy pattern knits with different colored armbands and can add a good deal of character to the wearer.
Zip cardigans: These are tricky, I personally avoid them but its all up to personal opinion.
Double breasted cardigans: As much as I love the look of these, I have a hard time choosing how to wear it. The perfect scenario would be something like a casual morning weekend out with the family...not too businessish, not too casual, just enough classy

Clockwise from top left: Obey, House of Cassette, JohnVarvatos, im King
Clockwise from top left: OAK, Akademeks, Diesel
And I think its time to STOP THAT SHIT! What I'm stressed out I have no idea, think it's a combination of home, school and work as well as the constant thought of my future. I really haven't figured out what I want to do or where I want to go after college. Most likely I'll be doing something film or writing related, just not sure what.

I won't call myself a techie in anyway but being an individual that uses electronic gadgets on a daily basis I must admit there's a soft spot in my heart for them. More so I'm a Film student which means my educational investment and future career prosperity is pretty much dependent on my knowledge in and ability to operate all these cutting edge technology. So with that in mind, lets talk about the Canon 7D dslr camera!
If you are in anyway a fan of photography, the buzz about this camera has probably been booming in your ears for months now. Canon newest addition to the eos family has kept a constant flow of drool down the side of my mouth since I caught air of the news about 3 months ago.
What makes this so special is the fact it not only functions as a camera, it can record in full 1080p resolution at different frame rates including 24p. Not gonna get into the heavy specifics and description here but to break it down, this means that, providing you a have a quality canon lens, can shoot DIGITAL video that will appear similar to FILM footage. The beauty though is that the canon lens provides a short depth of field that gives it the look of PROFESSIONAL cameras (like those Arriflex that can cost you an arm, leg and ballsack!). This is a great breakthrough for indie filmmakers!
Extremely small, flexible and easy to mod with a multitude of accessories complements of both Canon and many other third party providers (everyone from Audio-Technica to Zacuto) this little underdog is soon to be crowned the King of cheap, no-budget indie films in no time! i personally cannot wait to buy mines, hopefully within the month or maybe next, all i know is when I'm done it will look something like this:


So what is asymmetrical? Its when something, anything, is not equal on both sides. Its also the hotest aesthetic of fashion right now!
Now I’m not really sure where or how this style originated, but my first sightings of this cut was featured on Maison Martin Margiela’s f/w 08 with very light accentuations in a variety of their double breasted coats. By Spring 09 Diesel(who owns the Margiela label) began capitalizing the look on their black gold label and before you know it, every one and their mother began making these irregular zip and button coats.
Now I’m pretty sure this is one of those aesthetics that may have been around for a while but non the less its becoming incredible annoying! I understand the rough appeal that some styles may gain with wide lapels and asymmetrical zippers, but it seems like some just pushing it to the extreme. Here are some examples:
Alexander McQueen - edgy and simple, it gives the wearer a snug fit and definition throughout the upper body
Juicy Couture Men - Way too much leather wasted. The button are over kill!
So there you have it…it is a good style to feed the inner badboy but just make sure you choose wisely when picking out that coat or jacket! I won't judge you i promise!
A few weeks ago I celebrated my birthday at Brick Lance Curry House, a neat little Indian cuisine restaurant down on E6th between 1st and 2nd ave. At first glance I didn’t expect much from this narrow establishment but boy was I wrong. The food is DELICIOUS! Now I’m not totally aware of the names of everything I tasted that night but I got my heart’s fulfilment of a little bit of everything they had to offer.
First we got some delicious crunchy kind of split peas based crackers for appetizers that instantly hinted the spicy adventure ahead. I suddenly felt compelled to prove my manliness so I opted for the chicken tikka phaal curry along with my good friend Joe, garlic naan and some incredible tasting mango smoothie kinda drink. What followed was a wild ride of fiery goodness!
Firstly, phaal curry is regarded as one of the spiciest curries in the world! It’s made of 12 or so different peppers and apparently, based on Man vs Food the chefs require gas masks to whip this baby up! Ehh, I CAN DO IT!
And I did! I went at it like a champ, mouthful after mouthful, i kept dosing the brewing flames with the smoothie back and forth. With so many explosives pepper seeds, I can hardly even recall the specific taste of the curry. At first I could definitely taste the Marsala but after a while it just disappeared or got engulfed by just the burning sensation of peppers. At one point my face was a bright pink but somehow I managed to clean my plate.
In the end i got what i went there for: a certificate with my name on it, a free beer, a spot of bricklane’s “phaal of fame”, and bragging rights! It was quite the experience and I recommend any and everyone who’re looking to “spice up” their palate to try this atleast once!
New food experience for those unfamilar with indian cuisine
An adventure for fellow spice and pepper lovers
The “curry taste” tends to disappear in the peppery heat
Might break the bank since my personal bill was about $30something plus tip
Greggy C and Joey Joe after our successful completion
Who am I you ask? No, no, no, the question is who am I not? I’m not a rocket scientist, nor am I a medical doctor. I am no more than a face in a sea of lonesome individuals, urbanites so tightly connected within social circles and networks than they have become dissociated with the world outside them. Ever felt like that? Maybe I’m like you, or maybe you’re like me?
These days I feel as if society has become a giant oxymoron: as we become more technologically connected, we lose the ability to experience meaningful interactions with others beyond our circle. I guess its the great irony of life. Nowadays we seek comfort in our mp3 players instead of an old-fashion face to face with an interesting character on the bus or train. Even in a club we often find ourselves reluctant to indulge in physical contact with those we don’t know.
I don’t blame anyone, with each stride forward we will leave something behind. And this is where this blog comes in. I dare you readers to go out and re-experience a way of life that seems lost. Specifically my fellow New Yorkers, follow me as I highline the ups and downs of this great city, come out, socialize and experience, whether it be in a seedy dive bar on St. Marks or a lavishly decorated lounge in the meatpacking district, this is a note of encouragement to go out and “cop a feel” or this beautiful city.
And ofcourse, to engage in these debauchous activities you’ll need the right gear. So to equip my fellow readers with what’s needed, you can find snippets of all the fads and fashion on here as the come and go! Thank you and visit regularly!